Cat Island - this is a place where too many cats & old people lived. It's intact but they all need help & food.

I have been reading several stories of how animals have been rescued in Japan. Everything points only in 1 direction – Japanese are not just hard working people, they also care about animals.
However, situation is bad for animals in Sendai. They are preparing a team to go there with food & supplies. There have been rumors that animals will be euthanized in several areas but it’s far from truth. They have confirmed that no animal will be euthanized. Moreover, they are also trying to create temporary shelters at Animal Friends Niigata to house animals besides trying to reunite lost pets with their owners.
Japan is a nation of pet lovers. Most families have a dog or cat, birds, a rabbit, or other pets in their apartments. At first people had no news about Cat Island which but people & cats of the island have been rescued but need help & food. The small island in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, is also home to many cats & old people. A shrine also exists there which is dedicated to cats.
They also encountered a woman who refused to evacuate as the officials wouldn’t allow her to take her dog Yosuke with her. She didn’t leave Yosuke behind & stayed with the dog in her shaking house for 3 days & the good news is that both of them are okay.
Many people have seen the video of a dog wouldn’t leave his injured friend in the rubbles. Both of them are safe now.
A woman went back to her house to search for her cat. The house was entirely destroyed but thank God, her cat Non-non survived as she was upstairs. The cat was a bit shaken but it’s good to know that Non-non too is safe now with her owner. Another man was reunited with his injured pet dog & that pic can make you cry. I hardly see that kind of compassion for humans here & these people even love their animals like mad.
I’m really proud of Japan & it’s people. I think Japan has set an example for the rest of the world which keeps blabbing when hit by disasters. Japanese are not just fighting with this natural disaster with honor, but they have proud they are one of the most compassionate nations. We sign zillions of petitions in which healthy animals in pretty okay places are being killed & tortured for no reason. I wonder what would they do if some natural calamity hits them. I don’t think such inhuman people can learn anything from Japan but I can’t help ignoring their evil deeds at the moment.
I have a Japanese friend & she has been telling us what’s going on in Japan every day. Places have been completely wiped off. You can’t call any place safe but these people haven’t given up & they are fighting.
Please continue to pray for them. Disasters could happen to anyone.
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→How animals are being rescued with so much passion in Japan
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