Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prayers For Japan As 3rd Explosion Takes Place At Fukushima Nuclear Plant

    It is a very tough time for Japan as there is news of a third explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant. Radiation levels are rising terribly fast and authorities are worried it would cause even bigger problems in the form of radiation sickness. They are working on preventing the meltdown in the nuclear reactors by filling the chambers with seawater to cool them down.

    It is not yet clear as to the over all life loss in Tokyo caused by the earthquake and tsunami. It is quite possible that at least 10,000 people were killed though in these last few days.

    Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan said it is the worst crisis after the World War 2. The financial costs of recovering would be at least £111 billion. It could be the world's third biggest economy that is going to enter recession. Already the shares of Japanese companies have dipped down.

    US Geological Survey have upgraded the earthquake to magnitude 9.0 from 8.9 and this means it is the world's fourth most powerful and dangerous earthquake since the 1900.

    Many people are comparing the nuclear blasts in Japan with those of 1986 Chernobyl incident in Ukraine but nuclear experts are clear that these are not like Chernobyl, which never had any containment structure. It blew up everything. However, the Japanese government is still worried about its people and have warned everybody in the 20 km evacuation zone to stay indoors till things are sorted out.

    Well, we can only pray for our Japanese friends and hope this gets over soon. There are a few donation services also if anybody wants to contribute in these tough times. We have mentioned of one but there are many other ways. But most importantly remember them in your prayers. It costs nothing. I have no doubt that they will recover soon because Japanese are the most hardworking and dedicated people ever.

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Prayers For Japan As 3rd Explosion Takes Place At Fukushima Nuclear Plant

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