Thursday, February 3, 2011

Strip Off But Keep Those Heels On

    Cheating and stealing has become quite the norm now every where. Though, we are aware of it but often we hear or read about such respectable institutions or people getting so low that it leaves many questions in the mind like is it really necessary in the first place to cheat or steal? A few days ago I wrote about some teacher in Pakistan who bravely spent about a Rs100,000 on a stolen credit card without feeling ashamed for a second. Today, I'll write about an international incident.

    This is news from London where a young woman wanted to tell the world about her steamy affair with Ralph Fiennes for two years. She told the press about their intimate affair, what he liked to do and how he liked to do it. Three newspapers - The Sunday Mirror, The Mail on Sunday and News of the World reported this story covering their version. 

    Indeed, it was a cheap stunt played by Cornelia Crisan who took about 62000 pounds for sharing her story to The Sunday Mirror and The Mail on Sunday. But News of the World did some very low. They illegally hacked into the voice mail messages of Crisan's press agent, Nicola Phillips and stole the story. Therefore, there is a lawsuit going on against News of the World by Nicola Phillips.

    Cornelia Crisan

    This is not the first time that News of the World came under such a lawsuit. It is the newspaper has a record of going for sneaking and phone hacking methods to report stories. In 2007, Clive Goodman, the paper's former editor who was in charge of coverage of royal family was jailed because he illegally intercepted the messages of members of the royal family.

    Crisan is a Romania singer to claimed that Ralph Fiennes cheated on his girlfriend and had an affair with her. The Sunday Mirror covered this story by giving a very spicy headline as per the details they got from Crisan "He Stripped Slowly and Then Said,'Keep Your Heels On'."  

    The Mail on Sunday covered the story with focus on how Ralph Fiennes had used the same love making techniques with her that he had used with Julianne Moore in The End of Affair. 

    Ralph Fiennes

    While The News of the World chose to cover the story by cheating and hacking into records. This newspaper is now under fire due to repetitive techniques of cheating and stealing for stories. Brendan Motangue, a former freelance journalist who often sold stories to News of the World also reported that the paper hacked into his voice mail messages to get a sex scandal story of a celebrity chef and then after stealing the story they didn't have to pay them the 30,000 pounds that they had to pay them otherwise.

    Well, so this is an example of how even internationally cheating and stealing by renowned papers are done. It seems people are lost in a rut and don't follow any principles just for the heck of having some juicy stories and not to pay for stories. Hacking is a common thing too. I think, it is absolutely ridiculous when hacking is conducted...some do it for information and some people are such psychotic perhaps. And yes, recently, we noticed how a local daily paper started stealing in fact copy pasting entire stories from other sources. The stealing is done in such an improper manner that they don't even edit the details that make the paper look so ridiculous now and have lost all credibility.

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Strip Off But Keep Those Heels On

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