Sunday, March 6, 2011

Germs That Need Your Attention

    This article is of course different from our regular posts but it is informative and we should know about these things too. Human beings get into contact with so many objects in their daily lives, which are filled with germs. At home it is a different thing because you can take care of things the way you want to but when you step out you never know what you're touching may be introducing you to germs of others.

    These are some of the places that you need to consider because germs reside in these places in plenty.

    1. Restaurant Menus

    A recent study in the Journal of Medical Virology reported that cold and flu viruses can survive for 18 hours on hard surfaces. If it’s a popular restaurant, hundreds of people could be handling the menus–and passing their germs on to you. Never let a menu touch your plate or silverware, and wash your hands after you place your order. Or use antibacterial wipes.

    2.Lemon Wedges
    According to a 2007 study in the Journal of Environmental Health, nearly 70% of the lemon wedges perched on the rims of restaurant glasses contain disease-causing microbes. When the researchers ordered drinks at 21 different restaurants, they found 25 different microorganisms lingering on the 76 lemons that they secured, including E. coli and other fecal bacteria.

    3.Restroom Door Handles
    Palm a spare paper towel after you wash up and use it to grasp the handle.

    4. Soap Dispensers
    About 25% of public restroom dispensers are contaminated with fecal bacteria. Soap that harbors bacteria may seem ironic, but that’s exactly what a recent study found. “Most of these containers are never cleaned, so bacteria grow as the soap scum builds up,” says Charles Gerba, PhD. “And the bottoms are touched by dirty hands, so there’s a continuous culture feeding millions of bacteria.” Be sure to scrub hands thoroughly with plenty of hot water for 15 to 20 seconds–and if you happen to have an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, use that, too.

    5. Grocery Carts

    The handles of almost two-thirds of the shopping carts tested in a 2007 study at the University of Arizona were contaminated with fecal bacteria. In fact, the bacterial counts of the carts exceeded those of the average public restroom.

    6. Airplane Bathrooms

    When Gerba tested for microbes in the bathrooms of commercial jets, he found surfaces from faucets to doorknobs to be contaminated with E. coli. It’s not surprising, then, that you’re 100 times more likely to catch a cold when you’re airborne, according to a recent study in the Journal of Environmental Health Research. To protect yourself, try taking green tea supplements.

    7. Doctor's Office

    Doctor’s office is not the place to be if you’re trying to avoid germs. These tips can help limit your exposure:
    1. Take your own books and magazines (and kid’s toys, if you have your children or grandchildren with you).
    2. Also pack your own tissues and hand sanitizers, which should be at least 60% alcohol content.
    3. In the waiting room, leave at least two chairs between you and the other patients to reduce your chances of picking up their bugs. Germ droplets from coughing and sneezing can travel about 3 feet before falling to the floor.

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Germs That Need Your Attention

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